How Canada’s Leaders Came To Publicly Cheer a Ukrainian Nazi

Link to Source: EIR

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Mélanie Joly and Chrystia Freeland join a standing ovation for Yaroslav Hunka


Sept. 28, 2023 (EIRNS)—To smell a rat, one did not need to know that the 98-year-old man, trotted out for a feel good” moment when the Canadian Parliament welcomed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Sept. 22, was a soldier of the Nazis’ Ukrainian Waffen-SS Galizien Division. The assembly, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, went berserk, just to honor a warrior in World War II against the evil Russians. But there’s something wrong with that picture: Didn’t over a million Canadians fight on the side of the Russians and against the Nazis in that war? Didn’t those Nazis kill some 44,000 Canadians

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George Galloway On Canada Embarassing itself giving standing Ovation to Nazi Veteran

It’s the inflexion point in the war, High-Heeled Jack’ Trudeau, Nazi war criminal applauded in Canadian parliament and Biden Trump’d. It’s all over bar the tears, recriminations and memoirs Follow @MoatsTV #Trudeau #Nazi #Biden #Trump #Canada

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