📃 Genocide in Gaza



I am writing to flag a truly important document that should be widely circulated and read carefully by anyone interested in the ongoing Gaza War.

Specifically, I am referring to the 84-page application that South Africa filed with the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on 29 December 2023, accusing Israel of committing genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza.

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Follow Stella Assange in support of Julian

Stella Assange, lawyer and wife of illegally detained prisoner, Julian Assange; A man accused of journalism

Please follow Stella’s Social Media accounts in support to our dear Julian.

Instagram: stellaAssange

TikTok: StellaAssange

Twitter: Stella_Assange

Store: stellaassange.store

Spotify: open.spotify.com/show/4UcXPnqQaMDV4mcpGrRiQm

Substack: stellaassangeofficial.substack.com

YouTube: youtube.com/@StellaAssange

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George Galloway On Canada Embarassing itself giving standing Ovation to Nazi Veteran

It’s the inflexion point in the war, High-Heeled Jack’ Trudeau, Nazi war criminal applauded in Canadian parliament and Biden Trump’d. It’s all over bar the tears, recriminations and memoirs Follow @MoatsTV #Trudeau #Nazi #Biden #Trump #Canada

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Geopolitics, green agenda, Germany vs Western Canada w Harley Schlanger

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr Interview BANNED By YouTube - James O’Keefe OMG

Truths Unlimited

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Franklin Affair Blows Neo-Con Moles at DOD

by Jeffrey Steinberg

This article appears in the September 10, 2004 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

Link to Source: EIR

On Aug. 27, CBS News revealed that the FBI was closing in on an Israeli mole inside the office of Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith, who had passed classified documents on Bush Administration Iran policy to officials of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), who, in turn, fed the material to an Israeli diplomat in Washington. The next day, the Washington Post and other news outlets identified the alleged Israeli spy as Larry Franklin, an Iran desk officer at the Near East South Asia (NESA) policy office of the Pentagon. Subsequent news reports named the Israeli embassy’s political counsellor Naor Gilan and AIPAC official Steve Rosen as participants in a lunch meeting, attended by Franklin 18 months ago, which was being surveilled by FBI counterintelligence agents

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