An Emergency Program To Save Argentina, a New Member of the BRICS

The following proposal was released by the Schiller Institute, Sept. 4, 2023.

Link to Source: EIR

Agência Brasil/Fábio Rodrigues-PozzebomAgência Brasil/Fábio Rodrigues-Pozzebom

To save Argentina, the Schiller Institute proposes immediate steps to be taken by the government of President Alberto Fernández (shown), and candidate Sergio Massa, the current Economics Minister.

This article appears in the September 15, 2023 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

Print version of this article

There are certain battles that cannot be avoided and must be won. One such is the battle to get the United States and Western Europe to change their current geopolitical confrontation course with Russia and China, a course meant to enforce the bankrupt trans-Atlantic financial system and its unipolar world order. The probable alternative to winning that fight is thermonuclear war.

Another such battle is the upcoming presidential election in Argentina on Oct. 22, which is shaping up as the immediate, first battleground between the newly expanded BRICS-11 process and that same bankrupt trans-Atlantic system—a system that is terrified that it will be swept away by the tidal wave of nations joining the BRICS, the emerging Global Majority. The outcome of that showdown will surely determine the future of Argentina for decades to come; but it may also decide the fate of the BRICS as well. on Jan. 1, 2024, by beating that nation’s economy to a bloody pulp through debt collection and capital flight, and in that way fully discredit the current Alberto Fernández government and its party’s candidate, Economics Minister Sergio Massa, and hand victory to the psychologically unstable Javier Milei.

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Wall Street Is Out To Make Argentina a Bloody Example for Any Nation That Tries To Join the BRICS

Argentina under attack by Wall St.

Link to Source: EIR


Sept. 3, 2023, 2022 (EIRNS)—There are certain battles that cannot be avoided and must be won. One such is the battle to get the United States and Western Europe to change their current geopolitical confrontation course with Russia and China, a course meant to enforce the bankrupt trans-Atlantic financial system and its unipolar world order. The alternative to winning that fight is probable thermonuclear war.

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