PRESS RELEASE: The Congressional Wall of Shame–Why I Stand with South Africa and the Actual Interest of the United States of America

🔗 Link to Source: Diane Sare for Congress 2024


January 25, 2024–By the time this statement appears in print, the International Court of Justice will likely have delivered its decision on the South African Application filed on December 29, 2023 with the International Court of Justice (ICJ) charging Israel with the crime of Genocide against the people of Gaza. Whatever the decision of the court, I believe South Africa’s action was correct, and I want it known that as a candidate for United States Senator, that I agree fundamentally with their position.

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Marwan Barghouti’s wife launches international campaign for his release

Amid discontent over PA President Abbas’s leadership and looming struggle for succession, terrorist jailed in Israel for deadly attacks is widely seen as candidate to replace him

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Palestinian Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti is escorted by Israeli police into Jerusalem’s Magistrate Court to testify as part of a US civil lawsuit against the Palestinian leadership, in January 2012. (Flash90)

Meeting the Jordanian foreign minister in Amman last week, Fadwa Barghouti, wife of jailed Palestinian terrorist Marwan Barghouti, announced the launch of an international campaign for the release of her husband.

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