Get Fooled Once, Shame on You. Get Fooled Twice, You Might Not Have a Third

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Oct. 12, 2023 (EIRNS)—Over the last several days, Western governments and societies are being lined up behind the defense of Israel in a way that would make even a drill sergeant blush. As U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said when he arrived in Israel today: We have the back of the Israeli people. We have their back today. We’ll have it tomorrow. We will have it every day.” Even Blinken was outdone by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, however, who laid on the guilt Oct. 12, when he said: Our own history, our responsibility arising from the Holocaust, makes it a perpetual task for us to stand up for the security of the State of Israel.”

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The City-Builders Speak in the Far East

Artist: Chris ButlerArtist: Chris Butler

We see an artist’s conception of a city built in a crater on the moon

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Sept. 12, 2023 (EIRNS)—“You know what we’re going to do? We’re going to build nuplexes. Lay it out to em. How do you build a nuplex? Well, you go out and dig a big crater…. Build a crater the size of a city, a city of a half-million people, or 100,000 people, but build a crater for an industrial city of a new type, from six, seven or eight stories below the surface. On this thing, stick two nuclear plants, of one-half to two gigawatts each. We’re not going to export a few, ten or twenty billion dollars worth of additional exports—we’re going to export hundreds of cities!”

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Prometheus Defies the Olympians: In the Shadow of 9/11, at the Dawn of a New Paradigm

Every art possessed by man comes from Prometheus, the fire-Giver

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Sept. 10, 2023, 2022 (EIRNS)—“Imitation is the best form of flattery,” it is said. It helps, however, to have, at the least, an actual idea of what you are attempting to imitate. A word to the wise, and a warning to the unwise: The creatures of Prometheus cannot be cloned. The Anglo-Americans, having flunked LaRouche Physical Economy” several times over the past decades; having, as their erstwhile leadership, if only temporarily, and nominally, Joe Biden, a fulsome, well-documented plagiarist; and having his even-more-inept State Department minions represent to other nations a United States policy-posture that is self-contradicting at best, and self-destructive at worst, have now, been forced to come up with something we can sell,” getting themselves into a fine mess” which they will probably refuse to understand.

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LaRouche 101

Former U.S. Presidential Candidate Lyndon LaRouche

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Sept. 8, 2023 (EIRNS)—A Report by Former U.S. Presidential Candidate (Lyndon) LaRouche on the Motives and Perspectives of His Public Life, March 31, 1985 (Excerpts)

The following, a commemoration on September 8, the 101st birthday of the late economist and statesman Lyndon H. LaRouche, provides insight and clarity as to the intellectual and moral requirements demanded of viable candidates for the Presidency and other high offices of the United States, as well as high office in other Western” governments. They, upon assuming office, in counterposition to the perpetual warfare practices now characteristic of the present Anglophile” governments, must successfully enlist the assistance of the BRICS-Plus nations to help overcome decades of failure in domestic and foreign policy on the part of the trans-Atlantic world. What qualities of leadership must they develop, or already command, prior to that day?

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People first!

Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

This article appeared in the October 16, 1998 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

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October 16, 1998 EIR Magazine cover

Very soon, the doomed, present international financial system will disintegrate. It can not be managed, or repaired; its doom is certain, and soon. We are already in the final phase of its destruction. This destruction will occur either in a rational way, through merciful, pre-emptive actions by individual governments, or in the most tragic way, spontaneously, and chaotically. Either way, the present financial system is doomed to disappear, very soon.

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