Of Course Their System Is Collapsing! What Are You Going To Do About It?

Destruction, from The Course of Empire by Thomas Cole (1836)

Link to Source: EIR


Sept.Β 4, 2023, 2022 (EIRNS)β€”The fight is clearly on for a new world system, one that will determine the direction of the world for the coming decades and beyond. While some of this may be playing out more explicitly on the surface, such as the U.S.-Russia proxy war and its footprint in Ukraine, the deeper elements which have actually been at play for decades are beginning to become more evident than ever before.

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People first!

Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

This article appeared in the October 16, 1998 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

Link to Source: EIR

October 16, 1998 EIR Magazine cover

Very soon, the doomed, present international financial system will disintegrate. It can not be managed, or repaired; its doom is certain, and soon. We are already in the final phase of its destruction. This destruction will occur either in a rational way, through merciful, pre-emptive actions by individual governments, or in the most tragic way, spontaneously, and chaotically. Either way, the present financial system is doomed to disappear, very soon.

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