Seize the Opportunity To Bring About Peace-Making

Link to Source: EIR


Oct. 6, 2023 (EIRNS)—It is crystal clear to the world that the weapons flow to Ukraine from the United States, the biggest supplier, has been disrupted by last weekend’s tumult in the House of Representatives, unseating the Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA). There is gnashing of teeth by the NATO warhawks. In Europe, chief of the EU diplomacy Josep Borrell appealed for the U.S. to soon, somehow retake its role” in arming Ukraine. He spoke at an Oct. 5 summit of the European Political Community in Granada, Spain, attended by Ukraine President Zelenskyy as well. In the U.S., warhawk circles are mooting various ways to get around Congress, which means evading the Constitutional authority of Congress on war powers. For example, there is talk of reprogramming” Pentagon expenditures already approved by Congress, to divert funding to Ukraine, from other non-Ukraine purposes.

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The City-Builders Speak in the Far East

Artist: Chris ButlerArtist: Chris Butler

We see an artist’s conception of a city built in a crater on the moon

Link to Source: EIR


Sept. 12, 2023 (EIRNS)—“You know what we’re going to do? We’re going to build nuplexes. Lay it out to em. How do you build a nuplex? Well, you go out and dig a big crater…. Build a crater the size of a city, a city of a half-million people, or 100,000 people, but build a crater for an industrial city of a new type, from six, seven or eight stories below the surface. On this thing, stick two nuclear plants, of one-half to two gigawatts each. We’re not going to export a few, ten or twenty billion dollars worth of additional exports—we’re going to export hundreds of cities!”

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Vladimir Putin’s address at the plenary session of the 8th Eastern Economic Forum.

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Photo by Anatoliy Medved, RoscongressPhoto by Anatoliy Medved, Roscongress

Plenary session of the 8th Eastern Economic Forum.

⚓ Putin

The plenary session was also attended by Vice President of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic Pany Yathotou.

The moderator of the discussion is Ilya Doronov, managing director of the RBC TV channel.

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Tucker Carlson on privacy prerequisite for freedom